Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Baby Bird

It has come to my attention that certain people might consider me "overprotective" or slightly "paranoid" when it comes to my daughter, who she spends time with and where she spends that time when I'm not around.

Guess what? I don't care.

I'm a fully-realized, fully-empowered, trusting-her-instincts-type of completely-engaged Mom. I trust myself and my relationship with my girl above all else. I certainly don't want to deny her life experiences, access to her family, or opportunities for development because I can't let go, and that's not what this is about.

She is a two year old. When she's five, or ten or fourteen, I'll be readjusting my ideas and decisions, I'm sure of it. But for right now, I'm perfectly comfortable with her cuddled up to me safely under my wing and perfectly comfortable for her to spend time with other folks without me in situations that I think are acceptable. And those decisions are only mine (and her Dad's) to make. I'm as stubborn as they come, and no amount of coaxing, back-talking, manipulation or other "I-know-better-than-you" or "You're-being-ridiculous" techniques are going to sway me. I promise. Just so you know.

When she was teeny-tiny and just barely walking, I didn't let her go out into the yard by herself. When we went to family gatherings, I kept her close to my body in the midst of the chaos. She was small and everyone else was big and busy. Now that she's older and more steady, I'm happy to report that she runs wild alongside the other kids at family events. I keep an eye on her, but I know she is having fun playing, and I trust that she's being looked after. I'm always there for any boo-boos or situations, and she knows that. She needs that time to be herself and be around cousins, and I want her to fly a little more free so she can be a confident, happy person.

The world can label it however they want to, and I fully accept it. I'm in tune with my girl and with my own self and things are going to be just fine. The baby bird will fly on her own soon enough. She'll be a fully-realized and fully-empowered big bird someday, and I'll always stretch my wings around her when she needs it. We're good like that.

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