Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Great Escape

I wish this post was an announcement of some fabulous vacation I have coming up, but it's not. I'm here to tell you that the day has come. She has reached the doorknob in her room and she knows how to use it. It's all over now.

I discovered this about 4 days ago at 5:30am, when I heard a thump, followed by some pitter patters, followed by a door opening and some polite but very firm knocks on my bedroom door. "Oh! She can get out!" I thought, ignorantly, "Now I don't have to get out of bed in the morning. She can come to me."

And that was followed by this thought, "OH NO! She can get out! She can get anywhere! She can get into the bathroom and climb on the toilet. She can reach the lock on the outside door too. Oh. No."

Liberation has a price. Now I'm thinking about all kinds of things she can get into when I may or may not be quick enough to reach her in time.

She was supposed to be napping the other day. J and I were in the kitchen, talking, like we do sometimes when we have the opportunity. After about 20 minutes of peace, we heard some enthusiastic jamming on the xylophone. We chuckled. Oh, so cute. We'll just let her have some time to herself.

A few minutes later we heard the not-so-cute sound of the toilet seat slamming. Our eyebrows went up. We stopped talking. Our backs stiffened. J got there just in time to see her squirting hand soap everywhere.

So this is where we are now. The very exhausting level of 24 hour vigilance we once enjoyed has been kicked up several notches to unbelievably exhausting. She was knocking at my door this morning at 3:30, instead of 5:30, and she's been running ever since. There's no going back. This little horse is out of the gate and racing to the finish line.

1 comment:

  1. If you are ready for means of "locking" her in her room let me know. We've used several and I've heard of many other methods. Sounds barbaric, but necessary at this point sometimes for safety and sanity for all.
