Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I don't want to jinx it, but I think we've turned a corner with the sleeping. The girl has been sleeping all the way through the night for over a week now. She goes to sleep easy and stays that way until about 5 or 6 in the morning. It's amazing.

Is it because of the blackout curtain? I don't know, but I'm keeping that thing, especially because the late evening light is coming up with summer.

I don't like getting up that damn early, but another cool thing has happened. She doesn't want to come into our bed at all. She just wants to read books in the crib, all by herself. This usually lasts for 45 min or an hour, so guess what else? Mama gets to stay in bed for awhile. This is good, good, good.

Many other positive outcomes here too. If I get myself to sleep at a reasonable hour, I can get 5 or 6 hours of solid sleep. I can't even express what a miracle that feels like, and how it improves the quality of my existence. My baby girl is maturing! And even though I have to wake up earlier, if I have some good sleep, I am motivated to get a ton of stuff done in the wee hours. Bonus! Maybe I can even start to exercise regularly!

I expect some backsliding, but now I know this is possible and I have faith that things could, possibly, return back to "normal". 

I think it might be time for a big girl bed.

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