Monday, March 4, 2013

This? Or That?

Ok, so I didn't quite make my blog quota in February. I was an overachiever in January so it evens out. Besides, I've been busy with many things. One of which I would like to share with you now...

I am entering the exciting and perplexing world of beginning education for my daughter. I know, I thought the same thing: already?? Yes, already. You can't just think of these things in September spur-of-the-moment, as it turns out. Your child will be behind for life! Ok, that's not exactly true, but you may not be able to send her to the place you like the best if you wait. If you are like me, you want her to be in the place that's the best.

We toured two very different preschools. Both of them will take her in September even if she's not quite three or maybe not quite potty trained. Both of them require an application fee and deposit to hold her spot. Both of them were led by people who appear to know their stuff and are passionate about the way they run things. The kids at both places looked happy and well cared for. Both places were within walking distance from our house.

The first place was an arts preschool with emphasis on a child-driven "non-hurried" environment. The program included art, music, dance, ceramics, sewing and glue gun projects for older kids (!) and outside play all year 'round. They had several stations set up around the room and kids rotated between them, depending upon their interests. They even had a "dirty dinosaur" station with layers of paint and shaving cream! Very tactile.

The place was not tidy (it was a happy mess!) and the kids seemed to be having a great time. There were probably 5 kids to every adult that day. The woman gave us a tour, but remained watchful of everything that was going on around her. Our A dove right in and started following some kids around and tinkering with some toys. This is a place where kids get to discover the world at their own pace and aren't put into a box of how school should be. There is plenty of time for that in the world, and this was all good stuff.

The second place was exactly, precisely the opposite vibe. The 3-4 year-olds were in a formal classroom. They were neatly and politely sitting at tables, awaiting art time, which involved the same size blob of paint and something to paint on at each table. Their art was hung in neat rows on a neat bulletin board. There was a potty-training chart with stickers for achievement.

This is a teacher-led preschool, an "early childhood academy", if you will. They have a set schedule every day and they are training the kiddos to be in public school, which was interestingly and specifically stated. The director kept apologizing that it was "total chaos" because it was picture day, but honestly there didn't seem anything chaotic about it. Compared even to our house, the place was spotless. The ratio here is 10:1, per state law. This school gets great reviews and is more expensive than the other one, by almost $200/month.

I am quite positive that A would do well and have a great time at either place. She loves organization, books and learning letters and numbers, but she also loves art and music and loves to do her own thing. She's got a nice, even temperament and is well-socialized, thanks largely to the awesome childcare situation she is in now with her sweet cousins. Preschool would be part time for us, supplementing the time she gets over there.

But which place is best? I really don't know! I want her to be a free spirit and have plenty of exploratory play time, and I also want her to be able to sit still and acclimate to the long haul of public school. We have one more place to visit, which is across town and seems to lean more toward the teacher-led philosophy, and maybe that will be the tie-breaker. Of course, maybe it will just make us more confused! I don't know!

This is hard stuff, but I think we just need not to make it more than it is. Education, really, is what you make it and I think my girl will be happy anywhere she goes. That is my hope, anyway.


  1. Sounds like you saw some great preschools. Which one did you end up picking?

  2. We actually chose neither of these! We loved the third place best of all. It's more of a directed curriculum, but the classes were small and the staff was super organized and very friendly. Arli made herself right at home during the visit, and they were doing some fun stuff. It was middle range in price and 7 minutes from our house. Looking forward to the fall!
