Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Be Nice

Ok, I'm on a little rant here. One of the things that offends me the most is when people are rude to other people in public, and especially to people in the service industry. Yes, those people are there to "serve" you, but they aren't your servants, and even if they were, what is the excuse for abuse? I say there is none, ever.

Even if someone makes a mistake, doesn't do it the way you want or as fast as you want, or doesn't properly bow down to your consumer wishes, still NO excuse. Didn't your mother teach you any manners? Maybe that's the trouble right there.

I was in Target the other day, in a line behind a woman and her two tween daughters. The girls were paying for the purchases with their own money, so they had the divider between them. The cashier, an older man, seeing that they were all together, got confused somehow. He removed a divider and continued to ring it up as one purchase.

Mommy went off on him, got super snappy and grabby, and told him repeatedly that it was "very clear" that they were making separate purchases. She was loud and rude and wouldn't let it go, which made the man rattled and go even slower.

I was disgusted by her display. From the look on the poor guy's face, she more than made her point. Even more disturbing than her humiliating an old man was the example she was setting for her young girls. Maybe she was in a bad mood or whatever, but she is teaching her kids that it is perfectly ok to abuse total strangers that are there to serve you.

Call me crazy, but I just don't believe that kind of treatment brings out the best in people. I do not look forward to the day when I'm an old lady cashier and these two girls come into my line. I just might have half a mind to give them a little lecture on human decency, although by then it will be too late to unteach the mean.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I so don't like that either. I try really hard to be polite to all others (even when they aren't polite to me). I'm not perfect at it, but really the way others treat others is just plain not cool!
