Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Potty Train

All aboard!

I *think* we are getting potty trained! We have had several days in a row wearing underwear during the day with no accidents, even at school, and even pooping in the potty. I don't want to jinx it by declaring it a done deal, because this kid keeps us on our toes in all other areas, and I expect her to hold out on us with this too. But, so far, so good.

It helps that she can't wear pull-ups to school. She went through 3-4 school days with 1 or 2 accidents a day, and then a couple of days with no accidents at all! Once she went to school, we just went all underwear during the day at home too. It's been messy, but less and less messy every day.

She seems to have an enthusiasm for it lately, which is good. It just gets a little pesky when we're out in public and she wants to use the potty several times just for sport. She just trickles out a little pee and then she wants to do the whole routine of getting toilet paper, flushing, washing hands, and in the process she touches every surface available. It's gross, just thinking about all those nasty germs!

Then, ten minutes later she wants to go again, because she can! Who am I to rain on this parade? It's all part of the process, and soon she'll discover that going to the bathroom is quite dull and only done when really necessary. Until then, lots of hand sanitizer.

The pull-ups at night seem kind of silly now, because she often wakes up dry. She waits until morning to pee in the potty. I'm keeping the pull-ups for the time being, because sometimes she sleeps in my bed, and I don't even want to think about an accident there. It has happened, but only once, and once is quite enough of that business.

It's a pretty cool milestone unfolding around here. All parties are excited!

Now, to get rid of that binky...

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Night time dry is HUGE! Adalyn hasn't ever once been dry at night. A couple naps and that is it. But she does drink a lot at night, which of course means she is peeing, but it keeps her sleeping and for now I'm going with it. Ah, potty training, got love it and hate it all at the same time.
