Friday, September 14, 2012

Going With The Gut

I've been getting a lot of questions about sending Arli to toddler classes or preschool. The answer is - I don't know! I don't know about any of these things. I think she's too young for preschool, but should she go to a toddler class? I am of two minds about all this.

One mind says that I need to put some time into thinking about her social development, skill-building and education already. Maybe I am already behind and Arli isn't getting all the opportunities she needs to grow.

The other mind says, does it really matter right now? She is developing exactly on schedule. She walks, runs and climbs. Her motor skills seem right on. She is infinitely curious about the world around her. She gets new words and phrases every day, and is an excellent communicator, I think. When I watch her around other kids, she seems socially well-adjusted. She shares as good as any 22 month old I've seen, she is interested in playing with other kids and interacts pretty well. She also plays very well by herself.

Because I work full time, my time with her is precious. When I am able to be home with her, I want to be with her. We talk and read and play and go for walks and explore and even do chores. I know that kids need to branch out in the world; I totally get that, but what would she get in a toddler class that she doesn't get from her parents, the kids she plays with, and her awesome babysitter? Am I missing something?

I'm going to go with instinct on this one, and enjoy this time with her. I'll keep introducing her to new things and people, and when it's time to go to preschool, we'll work that out.

And because it's been awhile since I posted some cute photos, here is some evidence that Arli is going to be alright...

1. She has been fascinated with books since she could sit up.
2. Now that she can talk too, I find her sitting in her chair just jabbering away reading herself a book. For both her bookworm parents, this is music to our ears.

3. She mostly plays well with others.

4. She can motor like no one's business, and she seems like a pretty happy camper to me!

The time will come when she has plenty of classes and activities. Right now, I think it's ok if she just plays. That's ok, right?


  1. Arli is doing great! And no to toddler class is a-ok. But of course if you want to drive to Redmond on Saturdays I'd love to have you in my class. :) Yes, she is to young for most preschools (a handful start at 2). Toddler class is half for parents and half for kids, too. I totally love toddler class, but I just see it as something fun for us to do together, not a necessary. Don't get me started on preschool though....I think that is a must.

  2. Toddler class sounds totally fun! Maybe it's something we could do! I was just wondering if I'm doing things wrong. In general I think I am an awesome mom, but I haven't done this before and I'm about 35% perfectionist so I want to do it right!

  3. You are an awesome Mom! The hardest part about being a parent is there isn't a right or (generally) wrong way to do it. So for those perfectionist among us that part can be hard. Let me know if you want more toddler class info.
