Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tale of a Super Reader

One of the sure signs that A is our real daughter is her incredible love for reading. She has loved looking at books since she could sit up, and now that she is having a language explosion, she is even more obsessed with reading. We hear her babbling excitedly to herself, reading book after book, for up to an hour at a time. That's a lot of concentration for such a young person! Her babbling is increasingly becoming coherent and now we hear words and phrases and even sentences popping out. This warms our hearts like nothing else.

Both J and I are lifelong avid readers. We have always read everything we can get our hands on. We spent the first few years of our relationship trolling bookstores, sharing stories and reading together. I think this is so romantic. I was always very studious with a passion for the English language and, proudly, a great speller. J was the kid who was constantly being busted for reading with a flashlight under his blankets after he was supposed to be asleep, and reading books way beyond his age range just to educate himself.

I have high hopes that A will follow in our footsteps. She may not be the most physical or athletic person due to her heart condition, but maybe she will be smart and studious. I think this will set her up well for life. We intend to encourage her curiosity and indulge her with piles and piles of books. Oh the storytimes we will have together!

I don't know if this kind of thing is hereditary, or maybe it was some kind of good karma match, but it is just one more indication that we were meant to be together.

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