Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Tale of a Traveling Toddler

"This vacation is all about how to adapt." - Jeff

Holy moly, a vacation with a 21 month old person is an adventure. And by adventure, I mean non-stop activity and antics that are anything but relaxing and leisurely. Arli is a good girl, and a pretty good traveler all around, but she is still a very small sensitive person with needs and wants (many, many, immediate and non-negotiable wants).

We were wise enough to get her a seat on the plane between us, and she is surprisingly manageable. She doesn't throw up or scream on take off or landing. She is small enough still that she can move around within the space and doesn't try to escape. She charms everyone around her, either saying "hi" to them or giving them the famous stare down. Either way she is very popular. She doesn't sleep, really, except for on landing. For some reason it makes her pass out every time.

She got to spend a little bit of time with Grandma and Great Aunt Becky, and she ran them around the block a few times. I just let her go because it was 10 minutes that I got to breathe. You can see the look on my mom's face - she was relentless.

We went to my cousin's wedding, but I didn't get to see the ceremony or enjoy the reception because she was especially worked up and restless from all the activity. This photo was taken just before the ceremony started, just before she started squeezing the juice box and spraying it all over the place and screaming in her chair because she was sticky. I spent the rest of the evening chasing her around. (Note to self: toddlers and organized events do not mix.)

Jeff was kind enough to let me get a pedicure while he walked the girl around the mall. Well, he carried her around the mall. He said she wouldn't let her feet touch the ground without serious trouble. If that were me, I would have marched to the car and got the stroller, but he is his own man. The pedicure was great, and afterward, she finally got on her own two feet to do some shopping. She carried the owl purse on her arm the entire time. It was pretty adorable.

We took a couple of drives into the mountains because the only place she would take a nap was in the car. This was a good compromise. We got to talk and enjoy some beautiful sights, and she got some much needed rest. We also took a dip in the hotel pool and went out for pizza. At the end of the three days, our nerves were shot and we were happy to get home. Arli was so happy, in fact, that she passed out cold on landing and all the way through the airport until we got to the car. So unusual for her, but we thought it was pretty great.

I think we will re-think the family vacation, at least for the next couple of years. Maybe we'll stick close to home, or maybe we'll just leave her with the grandparents next time so we can get some peace and quiet. Family time is the best thing in the world, but it shouldn't be so much work!

1 comment:

  1. I feel bad because I am laughing, but I'm only laughing because I can completely relate to how you were feeling. I love the look on your Mom's face and Arli passed out in the stroller is hilarious! Ah, kids you can't live with them and you can't live with out them. :)
