When I get a full night's sleep, about once every three months or so, I feel like Superwoman the next day! It is astounding how restorative it actually is - all that stuff they say about sleep is true!
When I don't get enough sleep I am crankier, more of a taskmaster to myself and everyone else for the sake of "function", and I'm way less fun. Fun is wherever you find it, and when I'm tired I just can't see the fun. This is bad. Generally it's not that useful to categorize things as "good" or "bad" but in this case I stick with my judgement. Life is short, I'm discovering, and I don't want to live a short life of unpleasantness. I just don't! I need to work on that.
I have to toot my own horn a little bit, though, I am remarkably functional on little or no sleep. It's like my newfound superpower. I'm sure this isn't unique to me. When you have kids you just adjust to the new normal (the former crazy). I still impress myself every day that I'm even able to concentrate enough to put my pants on. I do that, and so, so much more. I'm amazing!
People tell me all the time that it gets better and eventually I'll sleep like a normal human again. I sort of believe this. I want to believe it. When I get one good night of sleep I can see that it might be possible again. I look forward to that day. Until then I'll manage the best I can. Looking like a zombie is en vogue these days anyway, so I've also got that going for me. Ha!
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