Halloween was a huge production this year. It had ups and downs. I'm thrilled to be able to experience this through the eyes of a 3-year-old, but, oh, man, the life of a 3-year-old can be dramatic, exhausting and a little spazzy.
- Hunting for and carving pumpkins!
- Super fun preschool party with all her new classmates and her new best friend, Miss Heather
- The spooky soundtrack that Daddy played. She loved it so much she woke up the next day asking repeatedly for the "ghost songs". They creep me out, but this little lady can't get enough.
- A and J decorated the house and yard with vampires, bats, ghosts and lights
- Making cookies together for Daddy!
- Under no circumstance would she don the adorable bear costume we got for her. Not when she's at a party with all of her other dressed-up classmates, not with the promise of trick-or-treating (and candy!), not with me dressed up in my bear costume, and certainly not when J tried to beg, plead, bargain, cajole and otherwise influence her. She wasn't having it. "No, I'm good.", she would say. Uh, ok...
- Thus, no going around the neighborhood "scaring" the neighbors in our bear costumes, as planned. More of a bummer for me than for her, clearly.
- Way. Too. Many. Sweets.
- Squirrels munched on our pumpkins! What the hell?
All-in-all a fun and interesting experience. I'm up for many more years of Halloween with my favorite original, headstrong and hilarious girl.
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