Prompted by my most recent bout of wicked insomnia, I went to see a sleep doctor to see if there's anything that can be done. The diagnosis was not surprising in any way, and I didn't really expect it to be. Environmental factors and out-of-whack conditioning is keeping me awake - imagine that! Also, there is a small chance I could have mild sleep apnea.
The only way to find out about the apnea is to do a sleep study. Yay! I get to go to the hospital, get all wired up, and have an entire 10 hours to myself, possibly with some sleep involved. I'm very excited. I don't anticipate being able to sleep all that well, and I am not going to use a CPAP machine no matter what, but I'm up for it anyway. I'm fascinated by science and so curious about what they will find out! If they don't find anything significant, I can sign up for Cognitive Behavior Therapy to help recondition me to sleep better.
So, yeah. There's not a whole lot of control over the environmental stuff (ie. J & A). J will do what he wants and A will eventually sleep the whole night through, I'm sure of it. I could definitely help myself out by losing weight. Exercise is good for the bod and a healthy weight is good for the breathing at night and the energy in the day. Makes sense, right?
We shall see. Full report at the end of November.
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